
Only 75 cents. Nothing more.

We charge 75 euro cents per sold ticket. We pass this cost directly to the customer. That includes transaction fees for Bancontact and includes VAT.

There is nothing more to add: not during checkout, and no monthly or setup fees for you as an organizer. There are no hidden costs, neither for you nor for your visitors. So you have nothing to lose.

That 75 euro cents already includes 21% VAT. If you can reclaim VAT, the use of costs only approximately 62 cents per ticket!


There really is nothing more to add!

Why do we repeat that? Because we are proud of our cost structure. Many people are accustomed to a percentage-based service fee, in addition to transaction fees. Regular ticketing services operate that way, which ultimately leads to high costs!

We value clarity. That's why we do it differently with one low all-inclusive rate!


Honest and transparent about the price.

We pass our low service fee directly to the customer, so it doesn't cost your organization anything. Your organization already has many other expenses (such as venue rental, artists, promotion), so we want to keep our service fee as low and affordable as possible. This makes it interesting for the visitors. Therefore, there will never be any unexpected costs added during the ordering process. We consider that fair and transparent.

After closing your event, we also immediately pay you. The amount will be in your account just a few days later. For larger events, we can also make interim payments. This way, your organization can always meet its payment obligations.

In the event of cancellation of your event, you are still required to pay the service fees for the issued tickets, but we do not charge any additional costs for the cancellation itself.


Create an organizer account.